Friday 24 April 2009

Sunshine Shoppers in Newcastle

This painting was "started" out doors,the street is High bridge Newcastle Upon tyne, the painting was finished in the studio as it was to difficult to complete the two girls outside, I think I was more than a little ambitious to concentrate on the figures rather than just the street and there is to much detailed brush work, the next Plein Air painting will not include such close up figures and will be very loose.
Oil 12"x12"

Monday 13 April 2009

Friday 3 April 2009

Tyne Bridge Newcastle upon tyne

I have painted this scene many many times from life and from photos, I can paint it without a reference hanging upside down with both hands tied behind my back while people throw rocks at me , sorry!, during the 90s I used to sell my paintings at a Sunday Art Market situated on Armstrong Bridge in Newcastle and the sales from this image alone used to keep me going, I am about to start a new series of Plein Air paintings, working on the streets of Newcastle and Hexham, this was a small warm up painting.