Thursday 28 May 2009

Girl in High Bridge

Keeping detail and colour as simple as possible.
I am quite happy with this small painting.


  1. Am loving your High Bridge paintings. This one is as you say, simple, but vibrant and full of life.

  2. This is a great painting. I must say all of them. Love your style.
    I will add you to my watch list.
    Good luck in the show.

  3. Love the lighting you capture in this and all your paintings Keith. But, personally, I would like to see a little bit more structure in the face.

  4. Rahina
    Dont mension the F word !
    It is my intention not to paint detail, just colour and tone but I can here Art Dealers giving me the same advice. I agree that the faces need a "Little" more but its very difficult to paint a impression of a reasonable face with around six brush strokes as I must paint in one go without adjusments. I need to be prepared to ruin a few and be brave ! Thanks Rahina for your constructive criticism.
