Monday 24 August 2009

"Yes" Love

Back to doing some large paintings of People in the streets.
The original title for this piece was "Yes" Love, "No" Love, I changed it because my wife "told" me to !!
20"x30" oil on linen.


  1. Keith, stunning painting in every sense.... composition, colour,
    lighting. Love it.

  2. Super painting again, love the back lighting and the glow of his ear and her cheek against the light.

  3. we bought "yes" love yesterday - it's great - and is now up on the wall in its new home here in Edinburgh .

  4. Thankyou very much Nikki, I hope the painting looks well and you enjoy your new home.
    Its nice to know where my work ends up thanks for letting me know.
    Cheers / Keith

  5. keith,
    visited your blog today..
    i like all your figurative works...
    but special something to this painting...
    nice anatomy..
    very nice lighting scheme...
