Sunday 27 September 2009


I am pleased to say that Washington Green Fine Art Publishing will be publishing my paintings very soon.
It is absolutely great to be published by Washington Green and to have my son Jack to share it with is real bonus, I could not ask for more.
Jack is obviously still to young to know whats going on, he knows he's dads model and loves that,
I am a little limited as to what I show on the blog now but will still be uploading work and information as it is published.
Ta Ta for now .

Thursday 10 September 2009

Tuesday 8 September 2009

Saturday 5 September 2009

Is it a Bird

I was thinking of changing the title of this to "sweetheart" but then thought that I could paint the follow ups ! , "Is it a plane" and "no its Superman"
Jack is pretty much daydreaming here, he will spot something, like a tractor in the distance then kind of daydream it away, still looking at it even though its gone, I would'nt snap him out of it though.
Getting lost in our dreams has got to be good for us, not if your a airline pilot mind you! or even "worse" a Daydreaming Dentist !!

Take Away

Oil on linen 30"x 20"
Mmmm " chippy chips just taste better out in the cold.