Sunday 27 September 2009


I am pleased to say that Washington Green Fine Art Publishing will be publishing my paintings very soon.
It is absolutely great to be published by Washington Green and to have my son Jack to share it with is real bonus, I could not ask for more.
Jack is obviously still to young to know whats going on, he knows he's dads model and loves that,
I am a little limited as to what I show on the blog now but will still be uploading work and information as it is published.
Ta Ta for now .


  1. hey wonderful news Keith. congratulations!! it is a wonderful series and Jack looks like a wonderful boy... best wishes r.

  2. Congratulations on this great news... to both you and Jack! So very exciting. The Jack paintings are fantastic. It is wonderful they are interested in showcasing the work that is so close to your heart.

  3. Congratulations Keith. It's a great news. Good luck!

  4. Cheers Rahina / James / Nicki and victor your comments are appreciated lots, Thanks / Keith

  5. Congrats. Keith you are now among the elite and you deserve it too!
    Jack is a character, I like the first pic of him with his tongue out.
    I think he will be an endless source of inspiration for future paintings. Welldone.

  6. Hi Keith,
    Thank you for stopping by and your comments. I can't thank you enough for adding my blog as a link on yours... I really couldn't believe that when I read it. It means a great deal to me that you feel my work is worthy and that you are generous enough to share my blog with your readers. Truly... thank you. You made my day!
    Kind regards,

  7. Great news Keith - many congratulations. You both look as pleased as Punch!

  8. Hey Keith
    Great news and congratulations! Well done mate.
    We need a famous Geordie artist even though we wont understand a word he says when he gets interviewed on the South Bank Show ;-)
