Wednesday 12 October 2011


I was at Newcastle and Glasgow at the weekend, my wife Deb and Jack came along too, we had a fab time at both Galleries , lots of people turned up at both shows and the time just flew by, it was really nice to get a little feed back about my work ,  BIG thanks to the staff of both Galleries who did provide "extra" yummy sweeties for Jack as well as the usual nibbles , at both shows the sweeties disappeared then somehow reappeared at home ! along with a whole box full of Capri Sun orange juice from Billy .

Jennifer came along to the Newcastle show to keep Jack in check ! , she is the little girl portrayed in the painting "Summer Breeze"

Newcastle, the tallest lad and the one with the hat are my Sons Chris and Ash

 Newcastle .....  Jack, Lindsay, Sarah and Mandy

Glasgow .... Billy, Nic, Jack and Sophia

Fellow Artist and blogger Rahina from Glasgow


  1. great photos Keith was a pleasure to meet you and your family:)

  2. Oil Paintings

    Great work done.Thanks sharing...
