Friday 28 September 2012


Messing about on the river      

Where dreams come true       
My Exhibition dates for the rest of this year this year are as follows : ....... 

Glasgow       Castle Galleries          Sept 29th .... 1-4pm
Newcastle       "             "               Oct 6th .... 1-4pm
Cardiff Bay     "             "               Oct 20th .... 1-4pm   
Exeter             "             "               Oct 21st .... 12-4pm 
Cambridge      "             "               Nov 3rd .... 1-4pm
Nottingham     "             "               Nov 17th .... 1-4pm
Wolverhampton            "               Nov 18th .... 12-3pm
Leeds                           "               Nov 24th .... 1-4p
Chester        Castle Galleries         Dec 1st .... 12-3pm
Leamington  Castle Galleries         Dec 15th .... 12-3pm


  1. hey Keith, sorry that i missed your exhibition on saturday... i was traveling back from York! I hope it went well (I am sure it did)... hope to catch your next exhibition. warmest wishes r.

  2. Wow you are going to be busy,best of luck with your exhibitions. Love these two paintings, beautiful. My grandson is one and I can see some paintings coming up of him.

  3. Good luck with all your exhibitions I know they will be a success.
    I have been wanting to paint my grandson who is now 15months old and I've been trying to capture some good ref photos, but he moves so fast! I love your style of painting and will try to emulate it a bit, it will do me good to paint a bit looser, more fun I think.

  4. Hey Keith,

    Great to see these new colours :-) I don't blog much any more and spend more time on Facebook and meeting lots of great artists. Now I am featured on a page: ... you have to scroll down a ways to see my tangerine :-)
    Are you on FB? It seems to be a better way of reaching people than the blog.
    The header on my blog is one of my fave paintings - I am selling them more than double the price now ;-)
    I am in the middle of doing teo 2 foot long paintings at the moment ... massive for me!!!!
    Love to all the family mate and take care.
