Saturday 1 June 2013

Keith Proctor original oil paintings

Bear Hug 40"x 30" 

Missing you 40"x 30" 

Don't get me started 20"x 20"
Its been a while , shown above are two recent oil paintings and one from last year ( Dont get me started ) , the title "Don't get me started" was suggested by a chap i met at a show after i described the painting to him , i really like it , its good to add a little humour so thanks to him .
I have quite few shows coming up and will put the details up soon , thanks to the those who have "Liked" me on Facebook , I'm probably the only person on the planet who doesn't use it so i thought i had better get with it ! , i suppose it will grow on me in time .
I haven't been painting as much recently , "not intentionally" ive just slowed to a crawl for some reason , i suppose its good to slow down or leave it for a while every now and again  , ill come back refreshed and all that . Click a image to enlarge 

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