Monday 13 July 2009


This is the first painting of my son Jack with his Engine driver hat on .
The painting is my personal favorite, not just because of Jack but because its what im after , this is what I want to say "in paint" and the way I want to say it .
I called the painting Footsteps because it just seems right that a Father and son are walking in step with each other , there life together ahead.
I think there will be more to come of these paintings of a little boy


  1. hey! Thanks for your nice comment! I very much have the same to say about your work - really admire your technique and the choice of subject matter. Happy painting to you! ;)

  2. Wonderful, I love how loose your marks are, and yet they define your subjects so easily. I'm becoming a fan of your style. I'm still struggling with figurative work but it's a labor of love.

  3. Just fabulous! The painting speaks volumes of the love between you and Jack.

  4. Thankyou Sharon I appreciate your very nice comment.

  5. I saw this picture in the Newcastle Castle galleries last Saturday and I immediately fell in love with it. So much so that it brought a tear to my eyes.(In a good way!) I have never been so moved by a picture! I have a 4 year old son and "Jack" reminds me so much of him. It is truely beautiful.

  6. Thankyou very much, I am pleased you were able to connect with the painting, it makes it all worth while when I here that, Cheers / Keith
