Wednesday 15 July 2009

The Great Escape

Kids can run,
This oil painting was taken from a photo i took of Jack running through the woods at the back of our house, sometimes he runs the whole distance of our walk, not stopping at all, some of it is up hill , all through the woods and he really does not stop , our walk must be two sometimes three miles.
At other times i have to carry him all the way but i dont mind ,after standing still painting all day, its a good work out.
I often wonder, when out walking with him, how far a three year old could walk in one go, i am starting to think its further than his dad can !.


  1. hi Keith, love this, almost dream like, again beautiful subject and great brushwork!

  2. Jack's wearing his father's shoes? wonderful touch, as is the previous painting:)

  3. These paintings of Jack are grand aren't they. Love the freshness and spontaneity in them - just like kids!

  4. Thankyou Sheila, yes I am enjoying these pics of my boy, will be taking a break for a week but will return to do more. K

  5. Keith, it's beauitful. simply beautiful.I love it.... Priceless moment.

  6. Thank you for visiting my blog, mostly because I was then able to discover your blog! Your figurative work is fabulous, and I especially love the paintings of your son. But my favorite painting has to be "Slowing Down." I have enjoyed viewing your work and look forward to seeing more of it!
