Tuesday 21 December 2010


Its me again , been away a while!, hot footing it around the country showin off me pickies and lovin it too , I  met so many really "canny" people  , the most popular question i was asked is "will i continue to paint Jack and use him as my model as he grows up" , I gave people different answers to this question , probably because when I see something that's right for me, i will paint it and there are so many paintings still to do of him as a young child . The answer is yes I will but to what extent i don't know yet, I have a lots of photos of him when he was Three and Four years old so i can use them as reference material in the future as i do now.
I just know that every day i am as enthusiastic to get in the studio to paint these pictures as i was when i did the first one , I have been working on a new studio and move into it after Christmas , I cant wait for that , Thanks to those who came along to the shows for a chat  and to those who purchased Artwork too / Merry Christmas .


  1. It is so good to know that you are enjoying your success. I know folk who have got to where they think they want to be....and find it's not so good after all. So I wish you continued success, and may 'Jack' keep flowing off the paintbrush!

  2. Sharon
    Thanks Sharon, hope alls well with you and yours, HAPPY CHRISTMAS / Keith

  3. Glad to hear you're enjoying your work as much as we are enjoying seeing the end results! Is that your handy work on Jack's face in the photo?!! I recently accquired an old version of your Tyne Bridge picture and had it reframed and is now hanging in my living room along with the Footsteps picture.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  4. Hi"Chantypants" The Tyne Bridge , I think i could paint it while i am asleep now but still like to do them, i still put "The Boat" on my paintings though , Hope you have a Nice Christmas / Cheers Keith

  5. I'm guessing you'll be in your new studio by now hope you enjoy it! Looking forward to seeing more of your paintings this year and may your success continue.

  6. Thanks very much Diana , not quite in there yet , but will be in a week or so , / Best Regards Diana Keith
