Wednesday 16 February 2011


Its been a while "again", I have recently moved into a new studio its full of natural light and is taking some getting used to, my last studio ( the spare room at home ) had good natural light from the North with ( no direct sun light ) constant unchanging light it was great, i have even more light now, still North facing with natural roof lights as well, its just to good , the colours i use look different, all of a sudden i can really see the work and its a bit spooky , ill get used to it ! . When you think about it , the paintings are going to be viewed in doors with artificial lights so why bother painting them in natural light ? does it really matter ? .... I have recently started to add a little more colour to the paintings , I started using ( Blick ) oil paint from the states a few years ago, "radiant" colours, "wow" are they good, I will only use them now and again as i prefer to paint with a "very" limited  palette but its nice to change now and again. I have also painted a little girl on her own for the first time, as well as "Lily and Grace" who i normally paint, i have painted a picture of a little girl called Jennifer, her parents showed me some photos they had taken of her with her pink hat on and most of the photos i looked at were just  great , lots of attitude and  lots of Girl Power !. Jennifer is five the same age as Jack . I will be exhibiting at ARTISAN GALLERY Royal Exchange London on 24 Feb 5-8pm / ARTISAN GALLERY Kingston Upon Thames London 26 Feb 1-4pm / BREEZE GALLERY Scotland in April details to follow....  Here are some paintings i have completed recently including three new Limited Edition prints Small Talk, Summer Breeze and Told You So + "Living it up" and "Young at Heart"


  1. I feel like Im constantly looking for interesting things to read about a variety of subjects, but I manage to include your blog among my reads every day because you have honest entries that I look forward to. Heres hoping theres a lot more great material coming! Toronto Painter

    Toronto Painter

  2. the paintings are wonderful Keith. Wishing you all the best at the up-coming exhibitions and enjoy your new studio. good to see you back blogging especially with so much else going on:)

  3. I love your new paintings also love the addition of a bit of colour wow looking excellent. Things are going so well for you, how wonderful!

  4. Hi Keith - congrats on a great exhibition in London which I'm sure did very well & great to meet you finally. We didn't manage to get out to Richmond on Saturday - but at least that means we get to keep "Glory Days!". Keep painting and look forward to following your progress.
    Best Wishes
    Kieran & Elaine

  5. Kieran it was very nice to meet you at Artisan , thanks for coming along , at least i have "Glory Days" on the blog to look at ! ... "The one that got away" ! ... All the best / Keith

  6. You just keep getting better and better old boy (as we say in Liverpool ;-)
    Love to the family :-)

  7. Your last few paintings are just great!
