Wednesday 30 November 2011


Two oil paintings (1) "See ya , wouldn't wanna be ya"  and "What will be will Bee"
Well all the shows are done , the last one was Norwich and was a very busy show to end on, i really enjoyed doing them, the time flew over, thanks to those people who came along to have a natter , i met some lovely people including the superb staff of Castle Galleries,  i took my wife "Deb"and  Jack to some of the shows up North and  Jack wants to do it all over again .
The paintings shown above were painted a while back, normally i paint every day (except Sundays) and i am happy with the work i have been producing but recently i have tried to add a little more interest to the paintings, by that i mean the texture and finish , not the subject, every once in a while this happens to me , the need for change arrives and i make a mess of everything , i sulk and obsess a while, then go back to normal so Deb tells me !.

Anyway i have made a right mess of the floor in the studio, wasted a lot of canvas paint and time, produced six experimental! paintings that are fit for the bin, infact if westill had the chickens i know what i would do with them !! not that i am in to abusing chickens :-) , i shall frisbee them for the Dog instead.
On the subject of Chickens , we used to have quite a few but as we live in rural area Mr "Fox" grew quite fond of them , we ended up with one, "he was a large white cockrell called George, he became vicious and started to attack Jack everytime he went out side to play , he would only go for Jack and no one else ! i think it must have been the fact that Jack was closer to George in size and the bird seen him as competition so we had to get rid of him.

"Andrew" the "Goat" was a different matter , we got him when he was only months old, still cute and cuddly but he grew into a raging monster in no time at all and had a shoot to kill attitide when ever he seen my wife "Deb", he was as heavy as three labradors and had 15 inch "straight" hornes. He loved me and i think he was jealous of Deb, i used to take him for walks in the woods but as soon as i let him off the lead he would charge her at speed , "Very Dangerous" !  and he wouldnt give up, he used to head but the patio doors "actually smashing them"  to get at her in the house,  it was a sight to see ! , we would be sitting in the front room and he would be trying to remove the back kitchen door with his head .
Anyway he almost killed Mick ( our pointer Dog ! ) after head butting him so he had to go too .
Hopefully i will get some work done tomorrow ... bye for now .


1 comment:

  1. you do such an awesome job on these paintings. Always a pleasure to visit your blog.
