Wednesday 28 December 2011


You cant hurry love

If we go , We go together

"Busy Body"  ( Sadie)
 We have a new puppy , he's a "Jackihuahua" ( Jack Russell Cross Chihuahua ) , there's more Jack Russell in him than Chihuahua i would say as theres a lot of biting and shaking going on , he has no fear, we were concerned about him falling of the settee but he just launches of and lands head first on the wooden floor quite happily, he runs around in circles as fast as he can falling over his own feet at the same time , so funny!, We have called him "Alfie" after my friends Parrot !! . We have spent the last few days playing Scalextrics, pool and Air hockey with Jack , enjoying the break , i hope you are too , Happy New Year .


  1. Hi Keith, i bought one of your originals a few weeks ago "thats what friends are for" I recently had twins, boy and girl funnily enough.

    the painting resonated as the relationship want the to have with each other, so thank you. It has also come home a bit as i live in Wylam... so created and living on the Tyne...

    thanks again, happy new year

  2. Happy New Year to you too, your puppy sounds like he's going to be entertaining you for a long while with his antics, must fit in perfectly with the family! Love the paintings you posted all winners as usual.
