Saturday 24 October 2009

Glory Days

Oil on canvas 24"x 20"

I took a photo of these three girls running through the streets of Newcastle on their night out, i moved them around a little and changed the back ground, it was nice to paint.

Blue Moon

Oil on canvas 40"x16"

A large painting, i have painted this girl before and knew that i would "at some time" paint her in this setting, I enjoy these large single figure paintings.

Friday 9 October 2009


Something different, I have been painting Jack The Lad quite a lot recently and want to remain fresh and keep the spark.

Sunday 27 September 2009


I am pleased to say that Washington Green Fine Art Publishing will be publishing my paintings very soon.
It is absolutely great to be published by Washington Green and to have my son Jack to share it with is real bonus, I could not ask for more.
Jack is obviously still to young to know whats going on, he knows he's dads model and loves that,
I am a little limited as to what I show on the blog now but will still be uploading work and information as it is published.
Ta Ta for now .

Thursday 10 September 2009

Tuesday 8 September 2009

Saturday 5 September 2009

Is it a Bird

I was thinking of changing the title of this to "sweetheart" but then thought that I could paint the follow ups ! , "Is it a plane" and "no its Superman"
Jack is pretty much daydreaming here, he will spot something, like a tractor in the distance then kind of daydream it away, still looking at it even though its gone, I would'nt snap him out of it though.
Getting lost in our dreams has got to be good for us, not if your a airline pilot mind you! or even "worse" a Daydreaming Dentist !!

Take Away

Oil on linen 30"x 20"
Mmmm " chippy chips just taste better out in the cold.

Monday 24 August 2009

"Yes" Love

Back to doing some large paintings of People in the streets.
The original title for this piece was "Yes" Love, "No" Love, I changed it because my wife "told" me to !!
20"x30" oil on linen.

Tuesday 11 August 2009


Cant think of a good title for this yet , if there is anyone out there, could you help with suggested titles for it , not to cute and must be short. Cheers
( sept 2009 ) Thanks for all the emails giving suggestions for a title, I ended up thinking of my own ! the painting is now called Peekaboo !

Thursday 6 August 2009

Down Dean Street

This painting is taken from a photo I took while walking up Dean Street on the banks of the Tyne In Newcastle , I will be going back to the same spot soon to catch the legs of the men and women( to paint ) on there nights out, I will have to watch my self though as people sometimes do not like to be photographed , especially when they have had a drink or two in the bigg market ! I could find myself "in" the Tyne, as well as Photographing it !

Tuesday 4 August 2009

For Sir Bobby Robson

A original oil painting to be donated to the Sir Bobby Robson Foundation, framed 20"x 24" oil on linen.

I was quite shocked to here that the great man had passed away so soon after his appearence at the Trophy match held in aid of the Sir Bobby Robson Foundation at St James Park on the 26th .

My wifes father ( Mel ) has just passed, also from Cancer, so I thought it would be good thing to do.

Saturday 1 August 2009

Adios Amigos

Body language starts early , kids have attitude and it shows .

Friday 31 July 2009

At Monument Metro

Reflections at Monument Metro station
Newcastle upon tyne in the pouring rain .

Thursday 30 July 2009

No Fish Dad

Another of Jack, I take him fishing down to the river Tyne at corbridge, he uses the fishing as a excuse to paddle in the water, on this day he had caught no minnows and had just fallen in to a puddle so was quite down about all this.

16"x 12" Oil on Linen.

Tuesday 28 July 2009


I have four sons, they have all been fascinated by creepy crawlies and terrified of Honey Bees !
12"x12" oil on linen

Tuesday 21 July 2009

Friday 17 July 2009


All of my sons have at some point had a pet , whether it be a parrot or gold fish kids love animals, my son Christopher once had a hamster called Lenny , he named it himself , I always thought it was a great name for a Hamster, may make a interesting painting !This is another painting of Jack with our dog Charlie.

Wednesday 15 July 2009

The Great Escape

Kids can run,
This oil painting was taken from a photo i took of Jack running through the woods at the back of our house, sometimes he runs the whole distance of our walk, not stopping at all, some of it is up hill , all through the woods and he really does not stop , our walk must be two sometimes three miles.
At other times i have to carry him all the way but i dont mind ,after standing still painting all day, its a good work out.
I often wonder, when out walking with him, how far a three year old could walk in one go, i am starting to think its further than his dad can !.

Monday 13 July 2009


This is the first painting of my son Jack with his Engine driver hat on .
The painting is my personal favorite, not just because of Jack but because its what im after , this is what I want to say "in paint" and the way I want to say it .
I called the painting Footsteps because it just seems right that a Father and son are walking in step with each other , there life together ahead.
I think there will be more to come of these paintings of a little boy

Thursday 9 July 2009

Contemplation on the Wansbeck at Morpeth.

Another painting at morpeth Northumberland , the stepping stones over the river Wansbeck that runs through the centre of the town.

Wednesday 8 July 2009

My pal Colin

Colin is not a smoker by the way "unlike me", I have just painted another large version of this today but will wait until it is dry to add the waft of smoke .
I had no intention to give up smoking on this day, "the 8th" this note is added one week later "the 15th", I have not had a cigarette since painting this waft of smoke ! I have been smoking for 27 years !
Note : Still not had a cigarette 17/8/2009
Note : Still not had one 16/9/ 2009
Note : Still off them 23/1/2010
Note : Still not a single one 23/3/2010
Note : Not on your Nelly 8/9/2010

Quick March

OIL 10"x 10"
I like painting these scenes viewed from above, I may do a large painting of this one in a week or two. Its a whole different ball game when your painting on a large scale, a lot of self confidence is required as you are on top of the painting and need to be painting from 20ft away to view it properly.
A good tip here is to paint with a large mirror behind you "as I always do" then you not only get the distance but see the piece in reverse which helps " Big Time"
Just using the title Quick March for now as I aint got the time to sit and think of one at the moment, not that I am busy selling hundreds of paintings ! just busy painting and trying to settle on a theme, thinking of paintings ahead !!

Wednesday 1 July 2009


This is a painting of my good friend Colin,I first painted Colin many years ago, When I took a break from painting for a while I worked with him as a Landscaper, a very hard working man and he is the nicest bloke you could meet.

Friday 26 June 2009

In The Pink

Oil on board 13"x13" I took a photo of these Two guys walking up a back lane in town just of Dean Street ( Newcastle ), I wonder where they work that requires a pink shirt , not that theres anything wrong with a man who wears a pink shirt, I wear a pink shirt now and again, not shocking pink mind you, its kind of washed out pink , OK its white with a hint of red.
I am pleased with the out come of this painting, as I have said before , I like to work fast with very bold brush work , this just went right for me .
I did learn something from this painting but i am not telling you what it was !! not until I know you better.

Tuesday 23 June 2009

Take it easy

Back from London, I love London, interesting looking character's from all over the world , all busy, all rushing around doing there thing.
If I stand on a street corner sketching or taking photographs in Hexham or Newcastle people tend to notice but in London no one seems to care.

I have always been a people watcher ( sounds a bit wierd! ) I think most of us are interested in what others are doing, I am intensely interested in watching the expressions, movement, mannerism's and attitudes of everyday people.
Only in the past year have I started to paint people on a "regular basis" and I am really enjoying it, simple observations of normal everyday situations can say so much.
Trying to capture a brief moment in some ones life is to me a little bit of poetry.
Anyway I will stop rambling on, the trip to London was worthwhile, I will soon be exhibiting at a Gallery in the west end of London.
One of the frames on one of the two paintings I took to Enter into the Threadneedle Prize for Art was broken almost in half on the flight as Stupid me forgot to ID them as fragile ! so they ended up with around four tonnes of holiday lugage on top of them .
I did manage to sort of repair it with sellotape but I was gutted after I had dragged them half way across London.

Thursday 18 June 2009


I am of to London on Monday to enter two paintings in to the Threadneedle Prize for art at the Mall Galleries, while I am there I am showing my work to a Gallery in the Marylebone area of London so wish me luck please !

Thursday 11 June 2009

Stepping Stones ( Morpeth )

I was in morpeth a few days ago and went to photograph the stepping stones over the river Wansbeck, this little girl just happened to be there at the time, she was running to and fro over the stepping stones looking for minnows.
Note : She did have a fishing net !!

Friday 29 May 2009


This is the last post for a week or so as I will be exhibiting at the Moothall Hexham from 1st to 7th June, The Moothall is a lot like a old dungeon , infact it was a court room 800 years ago or so, A small Exhibiting room within a very old stone building with walls 4ft thick and a stone spiral stair case that you are not allowed access to !! its brilliant at the top "Shh"

ta ta for now.


This painting was not easy for me, I dont know why ,I am pleased its over and done with.

Thursday 28 May 2009

Girl in High Bridge

Keeping detail and colour as simple as possible.
I am quite happy with this small painting.

Monday 25 May 2009


I think this is getting towards what I want to paint but I wont know it until I see it , if that makes any sense !
12"X 12" Oil

Friday 22 May 2009

Moving On

One of a number of small paintings for my Exhibition at the Moot Hall, Hexham, Northumberland.


I was a little doubtful as to the outcome of this painting as its difficult to paint colour in shade, before I started it I had decided to bin it so I was not worried about painting it quickly , which I always do, anyway its worked out ok, so I will keep it .

Thursday 21 May 2009


As promised a painting of dogs
( Working Springers ) 8"x 4"

Wednesday 20 May 2009

To Work

I just cant get away from painting these images of people walking down High Bridge, I should be working on the paintings of Dogs, maybe I could paint the Dog with its owner walking down High Bridge !

Oil on board 12"x 3"

Tuesday 19 May 2009

Man with Dog

My paintings are not for sale in many Galleries at all, only two local ones actually.
The reason being that I have only been painting again for about a year and can not settle on a theme , I am looking for something but dont quite know what it is yet !!!

Oil 7"x 7"

Sunday 17 May 2009

Going Home

Oil on board 12"x 4"
Father and son, another scene from High Bridge Newcastle.
I do not normally paint the same picture twice but this one i have , there is a large version of this it is 36" x 14"
I just enjoyed painting this .

Friday 15 May 2009


Another painting of High Bridge , a small road in the centre of Newcastle upon Tyne that connects the Big Market to Grey Street.
I had originaly worked on a few sketches and one painting while actualy in the street but found it difficult to paint the figures from life, small figures are no problem but if the figure dominates the painting I must work in the studio.
I have been sitting out side in Corbridge Market Square and at Tesco sketching people quickly as they wander in and out to get some practice in, unbelievably I once got moved on as people didnt like me looking at them and someone complained, I must say that made my blood boil.
This painting is on display at Off The Wall Gallery, Corbridge Northumberland.
There is a a large version of this painting also it is 24"x12"

Tuesday 12 May 2009

Sunday 10 May 2009

Thursday 7 May 2009

Legs and Co

Original Oil 12" x 4 Exhibition, Moot Hall, Hexham, 1st to 7th June 2009

Wednesday 6 May 2009

Conversation Piece

Royal Ascot scene, this painting and the previous four or five will be on display at the moot hall Art Gallery, Hexham, Northumberland from 1st to 7th June 2009, Oil on board 14"x 8"

Monday 4 May 2009

Friday 1 May 2009

All Dressed up

Original Oil 6"x6", Four people at the races, I have just painted these four again after painting them into another painting a few days ago, I will post the other work soon.

Friday 24 April 2009

Sunshine Shoppers in Newcastle

This painting was "started" out doors,the street is High bridge Newcastle Upon tyne, the painting was finished in the studio as it was to difficult to complete the two girls outside, I think I was more than a little ambitious to concentrate on the figures rather than just the street and there is to much detailed brush work, the next Plein Air painting will not include such close up figures and will be very loose.
Oil 12"x12"