Hello again , I must apologise for the long delay in posting to this blog , something horrible had installed its self making it impossible to edit or post paintings.
I did not notice it until i tried to post a image around three weeks ago and its taken from then to now to get the problem sorted out , anyway hopefully its back to normal now.
I know January is nearly over but I must say "Happy New Year" to you, we have been snowed in over the holidays but to be honest it has not made much difference to my day to day existence as I have been working none stop on a new series of paintings to be published by Washington Green, the first of which will be released next month.
Although the paintings are not released yet the feed back so far is very positive indeed, Its been a long wait, I have been working for this event for many months now and will show some of the work here on the blog from late February.
The painting shown here is from last year "Getting There" I suppose there must be a little of how I feel at the moment in this piece but it depends on where "there" is !! The other is a recent Sketch of "Jack The Lad"