
I went to Castle Galleries in Newcastle this morning to have a look at the paintings now on display in the window and I was realy pleased with the way they have been presented they look just fine ( if I say so myself! ).
There are lots and lots of Galleries including "Castle Galleries" all over the UK having a KP day to launch the "Jack The Lad" paintings,it is next Saturday the 27th, I will be at Castle Galleries in Newcastle from 1 to 4pm so if your in town please call in.
The feed back I have received so far is "bloody marvelous", actually "bloody Marvelous" is a good title for a painting, dont know if "bloody" is a swear word though, Comments welcome.
You can contact Castle Galleries in your area HERE.
The images shown above are "I have a dream" which has a story to tell!, "Jumpin Jack", "Bzzz" and "Its a man thing".
congratulations on KP day exhibitions. I'll check it out here in Glasgow Keith. As for 'bloody' i know some people would never use it because it is a swear but they seem tolerant of it to some extent:)
I think I would have been grounded as a kid if i said it but things have changed as you say, we will see! , thanks for the comment.
Bloody fantastic!
Sharon your a bloody star !
We saw your collection at Castle in Leamington and thought they were absolutely bloody fantastic! Reminded us so much of our little boy - the order's placed!
Mick & Amp
Thankyou I hope you enjoy the painting.
Sorry about all the bloody swearing !!
Sometimes there is no better word than "WOW”. Each is well handled. I really admire your use of color and ability to create atmosphere.
Can't wait to see more.
These are wonderful! You have definitely found a muse in your little boy. I love the first one with the sidewalk chalk... it makes me think of my boys! I'm sure you are still walking on air. Enjoy!
My wife said I should see it and she is right….it’s awesome! Congrats man! This is fantastic. You really do capture some amazing moods. Beautiful lighting on the "I have a dream".I love them all.
Cheers Janet, Nicki and of course Victor your comments are much appreciated.
Just seen your paintings at Castle Galleries in Meadowhall, Sheffield and I was 'blown away'. I can 'see' my 4 year old twin boys in several of the paintings,you have captured that carefree cheeky essence so well. Dropping 'bl**dy' big hints to my husband as birthday/anniversary coming up!
Nice one Esther, glad you like them , thanks / Keith
Hi Keith,
I fell in love with your work after seeing "it's a man thing" in a gallery window in Windsor. I know everyone says it but I could really see my 3 year old Alex - perhaps all little boys are the same. My husband & I have never really been "into" art but after seeing your work I knew I had to have one. Have since ordered 3 - one from Newcastle but sadly we can't make it. Your work has also inspired me to start drawing again - after 20 odd years I'd say that's a bl*#@y miracle! Look forward to lots more!
Wow, Thanks very much, I hope the drawings go well, Good luck with them "enjoy". Keith
The first one is especially amazing and clever!
Love the chalk lines on the ground!
Hi Keith,
I've just picked up my third original - this time it was "playtime" which you kindly dedicated on the back. Absolutely love it - just like the others. I'm desperate for a Jack & girl original like "It's a man thing" - are you planning on doing any??
Many thanks once again,
Cheers Fiona , I am doing more of Jack and the Girls, if you ask your local Castle Galleries to keep yopu informed i am sure they will do so,thanks for the enquiry and again I hope your own sketches are underway ! Keith
Hey keith.
I saw your collection today, never had any dealings with art just wanted to say how wonderful your paintings are... It was like love a first sight, and it just took me a few mintues to make a decision to buy one. You my dear have transformed me I think I found somethink better than shoes...lol Your Jack the lad paintings.
thanks Jo xx
Sorry not to reply sooner Jo " I have been away ! so nice to receive your feedback , paintings are easyer to frame than shoes anyway Jo and dont wear out " Hopefully !! so pleased you like my work / Cheers Keith
Love your work! I think I have a little painting done by you. It was left in our house by the former owner. Its of two golden labs on an autumn day lying on bracken. Only small - but when I put my magnifier on it I was delighted to see that it was not a print, but a lovely little watercolour. On the back of the frame it says 'Running Fox Gallery, Nothumberland'. Anyay, I do treasure it. We have Golden retreivers!
Love your recent work! I think I have a painting done by you some time ago. It was left in our house by the former owner.It's of two Golden Labs lying on autumnal bracken. It's only small, but when I put my magnifyer on it I was delighted to see that it was not a print but a lovely little watercolour. On the back it says, 'Running Fox Gallery, Northumberland'. It is one of my little treasures! We have Golden Retrievers. Sheila
Thanks a lot for letting me know Sheila , I remember doing those paintings years ago / Keith
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